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Fantastic Finds!

We have been around since 1992, but the concept of finery in African artifacts and fantastic jewelry was fostered long ago. We were witness to vestiges of ceremonial outings, where the indigenes, both males and females, would put on dazzling shows just by dressing in their finest attires - clothing (they had names for each different kind -omu-aro, adire, kente cloth, Akwete, etc), fantastic jewelry, emblematic walking staffs, slippers and umbrellas. For instance, it was quite an awesome site, and still is, to witness a funeral procession of an elder in Accra, Ghana.


Elders (some of the men over six feet tall) would drape themselves in traditional Kente (royal) cloth, adorn themselves with ancient or ancient themed jewelry, and ceremonially hold huge festive umbrellas. It was quite something to see!! It still is!!!

And so it was not accidental that in 1992 when we opened our doors in the West Village in New York City, that we insisted and showcased nothing but the finest in African artworks, including fantastic jewelry. We can still hear our customers' first responses about the jewelry. "Oh, it is too big, oh it is not finished right - no clasps, oh, it is too colorful", oh, oh, oh....

But, we never gave in nor let up! And pretty soon the superstars, designers and a few politicians (!) noticed us, and the rest is history! Once they started wearing our jewelry, it seems the world took notice and has itself not let up!! African jewelry to our delight and trendsetting ways, is now worn everywhere.

So, let us bejewel you and yours. Whether you are looking for the traditional, fashion-trendsetting, classical, timeless, opulent and oh my, unbelievable, look no further. It is all in here. You always find it here first!


By popular demand, we now also carry African influenced and Designer created jewelry


Enjoy. And don't forget to SHARE with friends and family!

Our Fantabulous Finds...

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